de laatste riviervissers
This is the story of the last fishermen.
About two men on the Dutch rivers, a father and a son, who – together with a family in the south – can exist by what they catch with their nets.
Michael has followed the fishermen for more than five years. He went with them onto the water, into their world. Here he learned about the influence of the moon on their catch. And that a contemporary fishermen’s life is about more than just catching fish.
With this document he gives a glimpse into a life that was thought of as being extinct.
Publisher: Blauwdruk, 2022
Hardcover: 136 pages
Design: Jeroen Wellens, Jwtwel
Language: Dutch
Dimensions: 26 x 21,5 cm
ISBN: 9789-4924-7453-7
This book was made possible by Fonds Bijzondere Journalistieke Projecten, Kenniscentrum Immaterieel Erfgoed, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Pictoright Steunfonds & Rudolf H. Schmidtfonds
€ 27,50